1. 今天 (9) 是第1屆國民體育日,上午9點9分,教育部體育署邀請新北市、嘉義縣、屏東縣、臺東縣近2000位學生,同步串聯跳3分鐘跳繩操,接著由全臺14所中小學體育班、民俗體育校隊及對跳繩有興趣的750名學生,在新莊體育館,連續跳繩1分鐘,希望締造金氏世界紀錄。
Today the ninth is the first National Sports Day. Sports Administration of the Ministry of Education has invited nearly two thousand students from New Taipei City, Chiayi County, Pingtung County, and Taitung County to simultaneously perform a three-minute jump rope fitness activity at nine after nine in the morning. Later seven hundred and fifty students from all nation’s fourteen special programs for sports from middle and elementary schools, folklore and sports varsities, and the ones interested in skipping ropes will perform the jumping rope for a minute at Hsinchuang Gymnasium in New Taipei City. They hope the event can set a record in the Guinness World Records.

2. 為了落實學校師生災害防救及緊急應變能力,行政院今年訂定9月19號為國家防災日,當天上午9點21分將由交通部中央氣象局強震即時警報系統發布模擬地震訊息,全國各級學校同步進行地震避難掩護演練。南投縣教育處今天 (9)舉辦全縣避難掩護觀摩活動,希望強化學校師生災害防救、自救能力。
In order to help faculties and students at schools be prepared for contingency and step up crisis response efforts, Executive Yuan has designated September nineteenth as the National Disaster Prevention Day. The Central Weather Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications will set off an on-site earthquake early warning system at nine twenty one that day in the morning under an earthquake simulation scenario, and all levels of education nationwide take part in campus earthquake drills simultaneously and act out to drop, cover and hold on in the event of an earthquake in the exercises. The Department of Education, Nantou County Government today the ninth holds an all-county drop, cover and hold on earthquake drill observation event and hopes to increase earthquake awareness for school faculties and students and develop their abilities to carry out disaster prevention and rescue, and self-protection.

3. 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署公布4件餿水油原料油檢驗結果,發現檢體的酸價偏高,至於重金屬、黃麴毒素等未檢出或在正常範圍,而強冠公司市售「全統香豬油」雖符合標準,但由於使用不合格的廢油原料製成,應該沒入銷毀,相關製品也都要下架。
The Food and Drug Administration of Health and Welfare Ministry released four ingredient test results of the polluted lard products and found that the acid values tended to be high. As for the heavy metal and aflatoxin, neither was found or both were within the normal standard. Although the Chuan Tung brand of ‘fragrant lard based oil’ produced and sold by Chung Guann Co. met standard requirements, it was produced by unqualified ingredients tainted with “gutter waste oil” and must be confiscated and destroyed, and all other related products should be pulled from shelves.

4. 為維護臺中市民食品安全,基於劣質豬油事件對食品安全影響擴大,臺中市衛生局昨天(8)由秘書長曹美良召開食品藥物安全小組會報,會中並針對2家違規業者裁處各罰150萬及200萬。
In order to protect food safety for Taichung citizens as well as in view of the spreading impact of the tainted oil scandal, the Health Bureau of Taichung City Government yesterday the eighth called a food and drug safety unit review by chief secretary Tso, Mei-liang. In the meeting two companies that violated the regulations were fined one point five million and two million NT dollars respectively.

5. 每逢中秋節,民眾少不了要吃月餅文旦,營養師提醒您,一個70克的廣式月餅,含有300大卡熱量,超過1碗白飯。很多人以為不甜的月餅熱量比較低,卻忽略了月餅其實含大量脂肪,過量攝取,容易導致血中三酸甘油酯及膽固醇上升。另外,柚子熱量不低,也會影響血糖,建議適量食用。
Every time when it is Mid-autumn Festival, people cannot stop eating moon cake and pomelos. Nutritionists remind everyone that a seventy-gram piece of Cantonese moon cake contains three hundred kilocalories, more than a bowl of rice does. Many people thought that non-sweet moon cake contains lower calories, but they ignore the fact that a piece of moon cake contains a huge amount of fat. If people digest too much non-sweet moon cake, both triglyceride and cholesterol levels in the blood tend to rise. In addition, pomelos also have a lot of calories, which will affect blood sugar levels. It is suggested that people should not eat pomelos excessively at a time.

6. 最新民調顯示贊成蘇格蘭獨立的支持率,已經超越反對派後,英鎊對美元匯價昨天 (8) 上午跌到將近10個月的新低,對歐元、日圓也同步下滑。巴克萊公司的分析師在寫給客戶的分析報告說:「獨立公投將開啟連串動盪的序幕,政治與經濟獨立時間表衍生的問題將包括後續的制度架構、資產與債務的分割、財稅衝擊與政策影響,以及蘇格蘭的貨幣選擇等等。」
Sterling yesterday the eighth dropped to its lowest price against the dollar in nearly 10 months after a shock opinion published suggested the Yes Scotland campaign for independence had taken a narrow lead. Meanwhile, Sterling also dropped against Euro and Japanese Yen. According to a report from Barclays issued to its customers, it says the independence referendum would trigger a series of economic tremors, and the problems derived from its time frame of political and economic independence include the system of the new sovereign states, how to divide –up the assets and liabilities, taxation impact, policy influence, and the choice of Scottish currency and so forth.

以下內文出自: https://tw.news.yahoo.com/1030909-雙語新聞-002347399.html
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